Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Unbroken (I) top moviee 2014

 Unbroken (I)

The Buzz: From its memorable opening scene forward, Unbroken is a gorgeously shot, well-acted, and assuredly directed WWII prestige picture. Perhaps its main shortcoming is its screenplay, which never fully animates the the movie despite being based on a remarkable life story and directly tied to its source material, Laura Hillenbrand's biography of Louis Zamperini. Everyone involved with the physical production has greatness in them, including Angelina Jolie as a director; I know she will get her hands on an ace screenplay and soon make her true mark as a filmmaker. As Zamperini, Jack O'Connell shows his extraordinary value as a leading man; as good are Miyavi and Garrett Helund in their supporting roles.
 Unbroken (I)
Director: Angelina Jolie
Writers: Joel Coen

Source : http://www.imdb.com